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Why Haven’t You Given Your Life to Jesus?

Why haven't you given your life to Jesus yet? You've heard about him, people have talked to you about him, you've been to a meeting somewhere where the challenge was given to believe so why haven't you given your life to Jesus yet? What is holding you back?

Is it that you feel that you have too much sin? Paul answers this objection quite powerfully in Romans 5:20 where he writes, “But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Paul is clearly saying that the greater, the deeper, the more complicated your sin is, God’s rescuing grace works even greater. It is an amazing fact that you're not too bad for God to save.

Is it that you feel that it's too late? Too many opportunities have passed by? Too much time is gone? You've waited too late? You may want to run that excuse by a 75-year-old Abraham when God calls him to faith. Or maybe an 80-year-old Moses when he accepts his mission to lead the slaves out of Egypt. Or maybe that Christian killer named Paul. The fact is that Scripture tells us that "now is the day of salvation." It is never too late.

Maybe you feel that you have to straighten up before you can give your life to Jesus and that is holding you back. Someone told you that you had to quit that habit, stop those things or pull it together before you could be saved. Haven't you heard the good news? The good news is that Jesus does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Jesus saves what we cannot save, Jesus rescues what we cannot rescue, Jesus fixes what we cannot fix and Jesus takes us where we cannot go on our own. The good news is not what you do for Jesus, but what he has done for you.

Maybe you haven't given your life to Jesus because of all those hypocrites who claim to be Christians. My question to you would be when are you going to stop letting small minded and small hearted people determine your faith in Jesus and your eternal existence? Is the truth of who Jesus is really dependent upon Joe Blow and how he lives? Do you think that on judgment day God will give you a pass and say, "oh, now I get it, you didn't believe because of Joe Blow. You let Joe Blow determine the outcome of whether Jesus should be trusted or not. Hmmm… I guess Joe Blow is way more influential than Jesus so come on into heaven!” I don't think that conversation will be happening.

Maybe your doubts are keeping you away from Jesus but do you realize that all the disciples started out with doubts? On the day Jesus called them they didn't have a perfect understanding of who Jesus was. Their faith evolved in time. Accept Jesus and if he's not who he said he was you can always turn away from him later.

Maybe the real thing behind our stubbornness to accept Jesus as our Savior is our pride. Pride is that thing inside of me that makes me not admit my need or acknowledge what I need to acknowledge because I think it makes me look weak. Pride shuts me in and shuts others out. Pride is often why I can't get on my knees and accept Jesus as my savior.

If you're ready to experience God He is ready to give you what we call salvation. He will save you. He will save you today.

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Rob Amstel -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

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